Gym fit out? No sweat - Cali Studio case study

How do you create an athletic space that effortlessly blends both form and function?

That was the question Fast Fitouts sought to answer when we partnered with Cali Studio to bring to life a calisthenics gym in Brisbane’s south.

Working from supplied photographs, we met with the client to devise a concept that served their unique needs while keeping the budget in check. Once approved, we hit the ground running with these plans to ensure the baton was passed smoothly from one lease to the next.

That’s not to say there weren't a few hurdles along the way. As customers were eager to continue their workouts with Cali Studio uninterrupted, these alterations amounted to more of a sprint than a marathon. Of course you can’t spell Fast Fitouts without ‘fit’, and so the team were up for the challenge.

Our experts muscled up to swiftly take down existing walls and create a more open environment. The result is a light, airy, and focussed studio that is inviting to both seasoned athletes and newcomers alike. Spaces critical to the operation of the business were delivered in personal best times, allowing exercise programs to go on without disruption while the rest of the project raced ahead.

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We raised the bar for the fitness facility by supplying the functional yet fashionable front counter joinery needed for reception and coffee-making, and new storage cupboards complemented this blend of style and substance.

To get this project accross the line, Fast Fitouts partnered with trusted contractors New Heights Electrical Technologies and O.N.R Plumbing and Gas Fitting. The 20 new lights that were installed boast directional capabilities, meaning the stage can be easily set for most any mood or exercise program - a feature that was held in high regard by the client.

This project was truly a team success story. Combining the vision of the client with internal and external expertise, Fast Fitouts crafted a solution that has seen Cali Studio go from strength to strength. If you want these rapid, reliable results for your gym fit out, renovation, or alteration, contact our friendly team today.

Lets GEt The Ball Rollng!

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